Last PARE for 2023 + AI powered reflection bot (+ lots more eportfolio stuff)

SHARE your PARE (Plan, Act, Reflect, Eportfolio) practice with experienced (and not so experienced) and passionate eportfolio practitioners within a supportive online environment on 15 November – 10.30 am-12 noon (SYD time).

Facilitators for this session:

These sessions invaluable to establishing/maintaining their eportfolio practices to achieve their career, professional and/or personal goals, as well as, expanding their eportfolio networks.

If you have colleagues or people in your network who would benefit from launching their eportfolio practice, then please share this information with them.

REGISTER NOW for the 15 November PARE

Or enquiry about ePortfolios Australia hosting a PARE for your organisation:

  • 0400 732 270

Webinar: Supporting reflection through an AI powered reflection bot

What if you could ask all of your learners targeted reflection questions based on their previous input?

This is exactly what Riff, the reflection chatbot by Leticia Britos Cavagnaro from the at Stanford University does. In this webinar, Leticia will show us and demonstrate with us how Riff works and how it differs from other reflection question prompts that you may have used in your portfolio practice. 

Come along to this session on 8 December at 11.00 am SYD time if you are interested in the intersection between portfolios and artificial intelligence.

You can win one of four copies of Leticia’s latest book, Experiments in reflection, due at the end of November 2023, sponsored by AAEEBL and ePortfolios Australia

Invitation to participate in Research Project survey: Mapping ePortfolio Use and Labour in Tertiary Education in Australia and New Zealand 

The Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning’s (AAEEBL) Digital Ethics Task Force developed ten principles, one of which advocates for acknowledging and valuing ePortfolio labour. As such, the Task Force aims to better understand and map the field of ePortfolio work within higher education in Australia and New Zealand, after an earlier version of this survey was conducted in the USA and Canada. Similar projects will be conducted internationally to generate a comprehensive view of the field.

The survey is anonymous, and participation is voluntary.  The results will inform ePortfolio use and the labour involved.

This research is being led by Associate Professor Christine Slade, University of Queensland

For more information:

Some other great eportfolio news and resources

Check out this other great eportfolio news and resources:

PebbleBash 2024 will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland 11-13 June 2024 – Register your interest:

Hear Michael Sankey, Charles Darwin University do an awesome job promoting eportfolios in Empowering Graduates: Enhancing Career-Readiness in Higher Education.
Via Marlene Daicopoulos

Empowering Engineering Students: The Impact of ePortfolios and the Biggadike Innovation Grant – Brandon Crisel, instructor and adviser in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas, was an inaugural recipient of this grant, which he used to establish ePortfolios for students. “Through discussion with industry representatives and reading through case studies, it was apparent that ePortfolios are a valuable tool for both job seekers and employers,” stated Crisel.

From Ed Tech Fad to Field of Study: Maintaining the Momentum of ePortfolio Transformation” by Helen C. Chen, Research Scientist, Stanford University
Via Mahara Newsletter

Eportfolio resources from University of Queensland –

Stay connected all year round – share any eportfolio news or ask questions via the

Eportfolio Community of Practice Facebook Group

About eportfoliosaustralia

ePortfolios Australia is a professional network which aims to support the use of e-portfolios in Australia and beyond through professional development activities, provision of resources and consultancy services.
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