EAC2011 Vendors

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Making a difference – showing the difference

17-18 October 2011
Curtin University, Perth

EAC2011 Vendors’ Networking Session:

This is a “drinks and nibbles networking” session for conference participants from 4.30 to 6.00 pm on Monday 17 October in the foyer of the Elizabeth Jolly Lecture Theatre (Bldg 210) to network as well as meet and speak with the conference vendors.  This session is free for conference participants.  Non-conference participants interested in attendind should contact Allison Miller (Allison.Miller @ flexiblelearning.net.au or 0400 732 270).

EAC2011 Vendors:

The EAC2011 Organising Committee are pleased to announce that the following vendors will be participating in this year’s conference and more spaces are available (see Vendor options below):

Conference Vendor Options:

e-Portfolios Australia Conference 2011 (EAC2011) Exhibitor’s Space
A 1 m x 1.5 m exhibitor space for both days of the conference on 17-18 October (8.00 am to 4.30 pm) – this includes a table and chair; access to power; wireless internet access; one free admission to the conference (including meals).  This space is sufficient enough to cater for ‘pull-up’ posters.  Some space to affix information to walls/windows near space is available.  Vendor will need to supply their own computer/laptop and/or data projector/screen.
Cost: $660

EAC2011 Vendors’ Networking session
This is a “drinks and nibbles networking” session for conference participants and special guests from 4.30 to 6.00 pm on Monday 17 October where you can showcase your product to individuals/small groups from your Exhibitor’s space.
Cost: $330

Participate in both events for a combined cost of $770
(Participating organisations will be invoiced after the event)

There are limited vendor places at this conference, so please indicate your interest in participating by completing the EAC2011 Vendor Expression of Interest (EOI) form and return it to Allison Miller.

Vendor promotional ‘re-usable items’ for delegates’ bag
To reduce wastage, the contains of delegates’ bags will be kept to a minimum so participating vendors are encouraged to provide ‘re-usable items’ ie conference bags, pens/pencils, drink bottles, note books, sticky notes etc, for insertion into the delegates’ bags.  There is no additional cost for participating vendors to have these items included in the delegates’ bags, however, a minimum quantity of 350 items need to be delivered at the vendor’s expense to the conference organiser’s office in Perth by Friday 30 September 2011.  Paper-based promotional brochures can be shared with delegates from your Exhibitor’s space and not the delegates’ bag.  This will give you the opportunity to speak with interested people in a more personalised way.

Please indicate on the EAC2011 Vendor EOI form any ‘re-usable items’ which you will be supplying for the delegates’ bags.  Any vendors in having ‘re-usable promotional items’ inserted into delegates’ bags but not participating in the conference should contact Allison Miller.

More information – ePortfolios Australia

For more information about past conferences, the current conference or ePortfolios Australia, contact Allison Miller by email: eportfoliosaustralia [at] gmail.com (Please replace [at] with @ to use this email address above) or phone: 0400 732 270.

Or register for email updates: ePortfolios Australia Updates

2 Responses to EAC2011 Vendors

  1. Hi

    We are interested in learning about the sponsorship opportunities for this year’s event in Perth. We are a large e-portfolio provider based in Victoria and QLD.

    Can you pls send some information if this available

  2. Hello Tony

    I will add your contact details to our Vendors’ Contact List.

    We will email me sponsorship details as soon as they are available, which will be in the next couple of weeks.

    Regards, Allison Miller
    Allison.Miller @ flexiblelearning.net.au

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